
You only have to do without paper here

Of course, we are happy to give you the facts about CEDS DURADRIVE in black and white. After all, proof is always better than assertion. That’s why we only save paper instead of facts here in the download area. If it makes sense, we will find an electronic solution for everything. Simply click on the information you would like to have as a PDF. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC, you can download it here free of charge.

Zertifikate / Certificates

Zertifikat 9100 DE 1700x2400
DIN EN 9100 (EN)
Zertifikat 9100 EN 1700x2400
DIN EN 9100 (ENG)
Zertifikat 9001 DE 1700x2400
ISO 9001 (DE)
Zertifikat 9001 EN 1700x2400
ISO 9001 (ENG)

CEDS GTC, purchasing and delivery conditions

AGB International (DE)
AGB Repair (DE)
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (DE)
Terms & Conditions (ENG)

CEDS brochures

ceds duradrive modulare concept img

Maritim / Schilffstechnik: Modular concept (ENG)

ceds duradrive kundenspezifische antriebe broschuere titel

Info brochure - Customized drives (EN)

CEDS data sheets

ceds duradrive offshore de

AC/DC pitch motors offshore (DE)

ceds duradrive offshore eng

AC/DC pitch motors offshore (ENG)

ceds duradrive onshore de

AC/DC pitch motors onshore (DE)

ceds duradrive onshore eng

AC/DC pitch motors onshore (ENG)